
Self- Assessment

Writing for Humanities has been one of the most inspirational classes I’ve had. I think that this is my favorite professor so far because he reminds me of an old high school English teacher named Ms. Keys. I would say she single-handly my life. So for me to compare him to her shows I value him at a great level. This class has taught me to stop holding back and it’s okay to go off sometimes or just let people have it. Never be scared to be who I am and it’s okay to come off my reserved horse sometimes. I don’t think I deserve an A I know an A because I came to this class every day fully engaged and I wrote some very good essays and I have really blossomed.

During this course, I have bloomed from a caterpillar into a butterfly. I find myself now not holding back. I have been able to speak more freely not just in my writing but also speak out for myself in real life. While writing I’ve realized that I’m not as bad as I think I am but that doesn’t mean that I’m perfect I that my grammar still needs some work due to my broken English roots. Being in this class has made me want to peel back more of my layers. I’ve started to dig beyond surface-level pages to where I want and I care if my voice is heard. I now formulate my essays rather than just freestyling and that’s because I care about what I’m writing.

Being in this English class has made me care about what others think and really find my audience. I’m writing with a purpose. I am now able to receive feedback rather than just thinking it’s my way or the highway. This is another one that helps me in my real life that not everyone’s opinion means that they are out to get me some people are really trying to help. This class has made me want to dig deeper into things and question why. Always asking myself what is the point. There’s a reason for everything. There’s always something I can pull from. Even when reading I catch myself taking notes and I never take notes as I read. Overall this class has not only made me a better writer but an amazing person who has broken out of their shell.